Belorechensk city administration buildings

A sunshine town streets

Belorechensk at dusk

A cloudy day in Belorechensk

In a yard

View from Belorechensk

View to Belorechensk from a hill

In the central park

Old people playing dominoes and chess near the observation wheel in the central park

Kids railroad and horses in the central park

Lenin str. and the central park

A stylish trash container

Near the center of Belorechensk

A junior high school

A school sport ground

Belorechensk streets

They say one can pass into another dimension through this house...

Belorechensk railroad station (old picture)

A small village near Belorechensk

Spring planting in the countryside

Railroad near Belorechensk. The town buildings and the chemical plant can be seen in the distance

Railroad near Belorechensk

Belorechensk suburbs

The Belorechensk hydroelectric power plant